College head in dock over a girl’s zipper!

A storm is brewing in a dental college of Panjab University over the alleged harassment of an intern by the institute’s director-principal. G.K. Gauba, who heads the Dr HS Judge Institute of Dental Sciences, allegedly asked the girl to pull down the zipper of her pullover to show a slogan on the T-shirt she was wearing underneath.

Though the girl resisted, he forced her to do his bidding. The girl had got the T-shirt as a gift from her US-based cousin. The T-shirt had the slogan ‘I love New York’ printed on it with a heart drawn over the letters.

The girl on Wednesday approached the vice-chancellor (V-C) of the university, R.C. Sobti, for action against Gauba. The principal, however, insisted that she was wearing an “indecent and vulgar” dress.

The incident is threatening to blow up into a big row on the campus. Students and staff alleged that the principal had harassed students in the past also. They went on strike and held a demonstration outside the dental college. A large number of students have also lodged a separate complaint against Gauba. Sobti said he was looking into the matter.

“I have received a complaint from the girl and have constituted a five-member committee to look into the allegation,” he said.

The students were, however, not impressed and alleged that the V-C had patronised Gauba. Sources said the girl felt so humiliated after the incident that she broke into tears and called her parents to the college.</p> <p> They consoled her and met the V-C. Gauba, who is at the institute on an extended deputation from the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, maintained that he wanted girls on the campus to dress up in a “sober” manner. He said the intern was wearing a “revealing” outfit and he only asked her to put on some other cloth over it.

The students, however, countered that and said the girl was properly dressed. “Gauba does not have any legal or moral authority to comment on students’ clothes,” a student said. Students alleged that the principal had a history of “harassing girls”. They also accused him of threatening to mess up their careers by giving less marks in internal assessment. This is not the first time that Gauba has courted controversy. A fourth-year student had earlier complained to the Vice-President — who is also the chancellor of the university — against him. She had charged Gauba with making “ advances” at her, but he had denied the allegation.

Sobti refrained from making any comment on the complaint lodged by the victim. He said he had passed it on to the committee for further action. The committee would be headed by the president of the Panjab University Teachers Association and would have four women members, he said. It has been asked to submit its report within 48 hours, i. e., by 5 pm on Thursday. The V- C, however, ruled out any interim action against ’ Gauba, including suspension, and assured that he would not interfere with the functioning of the committee.

Asked why he had summoned the girl’s parents and tried to settle the matter, he said they had come to hand him the complaint letter and wanted him to see the T- shirt the girl was wearing at the time of the incident.

Sobti admitted that there was a complaint against Gauba last year. But in an apparent attempt to defend the principal, he said: “ That complaint was in some different context. The girl could not clear the test at that time. We had conducted a special examination to redress he grievances,” Sobti said. He said he would also ask the committee to find out why Gauba courted such controversies frequently.

Between the sheets of power

Between the sheets of power

ISTtweet0EmailPrintSleeping with power is the closest some women can get to acquiring it themselves. That may explain why men like Silvio Berlusconi become sexual magnets for younger women

If a powerful man exists, there’s got to be a woman somewhere waiting to sleep with him. Power is surely the most potent aphrodisiac in the world, as is evident from the numbers of beautiful women who gravitate towards powerful men.

Apart from Italy’s prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, many other high-flying men are also famous for dallying around with young, beautiful women. Eighty-four-year-old Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy, has had a succession of younger girlfriends and now plans to marry a 24-year-old. Mick Jagger, the 60-something Rolling Stones icon, always has a young woman hanging onto his arm, and Donald Trump, the portly American business mogul, has a wife 24 years his junior. It’s easy to understand why women are drawn to powerful men.

After all, thousands of years of evolution have led us to seek out whoever offers us the best deal in life, even when it comes to mating. Charles Darwin was the first to make this connection by suggesting that our mating characteristics evolved and spread through populations depending on how much they improved our ability to reproduce.

This process of “sexual selection” doomed the lesser males to an evolutionary dead end even as their powerful rivals passed their genes to posterity — so powerful men of high status throughout human history have attained very high reproductive success, leaving a large number of offspring, legitimate and otherwise. Moulay Ismail the Bloodthirsty, the last Sharifian emperor of Morocco, stands out quantitatively, having left more offspring — 1,042 — than anyone else on record.

In any case, which woman wouldn’t want the benefits bestowed by social, economic and political power? Let’s face it, explicit power is still more or less a male prerogative, which is why the reverse situation — men being attracted to powerful women — just isn’t as commonplace.

Many believe that women who gravitate towards men who have power do so because they’re held back by society from getting any of their own. Sleeping with power is the closest some women can get to acquiring it themselves; basking in reflected glory is not such a bad option after all. LIAISONS with famous and powerful men are a form of currency, providing women an entry point into public life.

They can earn woman publicity; provide a lift to her pet causes (Jim Carrey girlfriend Jenny McCarthy’s battle against childhood vaccination certainly gained impetus); and act as a business opportunity: Seinfeld’s ex-girlfriend Shoshanna Lonstein had her own line of lingerie that was popular in large part because of her association with Jerry. This situation is perpetuated by all of us, who can’t help but give weight to the association. Apart from the huge high certain women get from luring a powerful man, females drawn to powerful males are on the lookout for safety.

Psychologists say that this sort of relationship is virtually sado-masochistic in nature, both at the interpersonal and sexual level. Being under the influence of a strong, controlling presence may evoke the feeling of safety and protection associated with childhood. In bed too, a submissive female partner enables the powerful male to live out his fantasies of dominance.

This sexual submissiveness, say experts, is a psychological phenomenon referred to as “identification with the aggressor”. “This is a way used by such women to psychologically diminish their own sense of powerlessness, helplessness and sense of dependency that often has its roots in early life experiences and reflects fantasies connected to caretaking experiences that may have been traumatic,” says Madhu Sarin, a Delhi-based psychoanalyst in private practice. Those who can’t resist the lure of a rich, powerful man rubbish this notion.

They insist that money acts like an aphrodisiac, that a rich man is successful, confident and goes for what he wants, which translates to being fantastic in bed. This is supported by a new scientific discovery about human sexuality — that the number and frequency of a woman’s orgasms is directly related to her partner’s wealth. So those of us who may have taken consolation in the notion that the beautiful women involved in relationships with powerful men were doing it for the lifestyle, and simply enduring the sex, are going to be disappointed. In this case, the honey truly lies with the money.

Women's ability to have powerful orgasms must have an evolutionary basis, say psychologists Thomas Pollet and Daniel Nettle of the University of Newcastle, UK. They believe everything about the way we flirt, court, have sex and bring up our children is strongly influenced by our genetic history. Powerful orgasms among women, they say, must have evolved for a reason. It could be an evolutionary adaptation that serves to discriminate between males on the basis of their quality. If so, then it should be more frequent in females paired with high-quality males.

Solar Energy Cars

Solar Energy Cars

What are Solar Energy Cars?

In a general kind of way solar energy automobiles are similar to other everyday cars in that they have the characteristics of a car. They have a body, wheels, a motor, a steering wheel, brakes, seats, and most important, some kind of fuel to make them run.

sloar energy cars

Solar cars are different only in the fuel that makes them run. They are called solar energy cars for the reason that they use sunlight for fuel. Of course in a specific way they look very different from the common conception of a car.

- The picture to the left represents a solar-driven car, the Solar Werkstatt, found in Germany and Switzerland,. Photo is by Ange Halle.-

Even as recently as a few years ago if you saw a solar car it probably would have looked like a large cockroach on wheels.

More recently though the exposure that environmental advocacy groups and the popular media has familiarized the general public to the solar car.

The concept of driving a car with zero harmful emissions, one that is very quiet and is very low maintenance, and does not need an expensive fuel source has been the ideal of many inventors for a long time.

How do Solar Energy Cars Work?

Solar cars need sunlight to run. Most solar energy devices depend upon photovoltaic technology to convert sunlight to electricity.

solar energy cars

-The image to the left represents the Toria Connector 2001 Solar Hybrid Car. It’s in The Danish Museum of Science and Technology (Danmarks Tekniske Museum. Photo is by A R Baurial.- It is the Danish, prototype, Toria Connector 2001 Solar Hybrid Car which has solar panels to power the car in town and a bio-diesel engine for longer runs. In order to generate sufficient electric power the car’s dimensions are a little larger than normal and seating is 3 + 3.

This principle is the same in the solar car. Solar cells are made up of a pure form of silicon. These solar cells can convert up to twenty percent of the sunlight hitting them into electricity.

This electricity is channeled to and used by the electric motor of the car if it is running. When the car is not running the current is used to charge a battery pack.

Battery power is used when sunlight conditions are not optimal. The battery pack is usually a collection of lithium ion batteries. This is the same kind of battery that operates cell phones and laptops. It usually takes only one day to fully charge the typical battery pack using the solar cell array.

How practical are Solar Energy Cars?

Solar cells can cost from ten dollars up to four hundred dollars each.  As a rule, the more efficient solar cells are also more expensive. Solar powered racing cars can travel more than sixty miles per hour but they have to be covered all over with these solar cells. The cost of one of these cars can be well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The efficiency and aerodynamics of the solar car are of prime importance to achieve their top speeds of more than sixty miles per hour. Solar cars achieve a ninety percent efficiency as compared to fossil fuel cars, which achieve only an average of fifteen per cent of the energy produced that goes to moving the car.

The exterior dimensions and form of the solar car is not conducive to comfort for the rider and the driver. Solar cars being covered all over in solar cells have the tendency to heat up quickly when running under the sun. Amenities and comforts are all dispensed with because of power requirements.

Added to these problems is the question of how to run the car at night or during rainy days. All in all the future still does not look too rosy for the future of the solar car. All things considered then it will not be soon that you can go to the local car dealership and buy a totally solar powered car.

Analysis of futuristic concepts (ideas of futurism)

Analysis of futuristic concepts (ideas of futurism)

1.Alternate sources of energy(solar, cell , geo , gas)

Alternative Forms of Energy

Alternative energy is energy that is neither based on fossil fuels nor on the splitting of atoms.

The reason is that both these forms of producing energy have damaging effects on environment. Fossil fuels ingest harmful gases in the environment and the splitting of atoms (nuclear energy), produces radioactive waste.

Keeping in mind the vast damage non-renewable energies have caused to our earth, the option we are left with is using alternative energy sources.

Alternative Forms of Energy / Sun

Solar energy is all about using natural sunlight. Widely and freely available to almost all of humankind, the light from the Sun is a natural alternative.

Solar energy is ultimately the source for many renewable and non-renewable energy sources. Energy from the sun is captured through a solar panel. A solar panel is typically made up of silicon. And silicon is the substance which absorbs sunlight and then changes it into electrical energy.  And the energy you get costs nothing and is renewable.

Solar energy is renewable for sure, but isn’t constant. It can only be reaped during daytime. The other concern is only fifty percent of energy received by a solar panel can be converted into electricity.

Alternative Forms of Energy / Wind

A typical windmill is a huge fan-like standing structure.  Wind is of use to us because of its kinetic energy. The wind blows and the blades of the mill spin, which in turn power a generator. These energy harvesters work easily and they can be set up anywhere. Needless to say, the source of energy is clean and renewable. Wind is all that is needed to reap the benefits. A windmill emits nothing harmful, which means no greenhouse gas contribution to the atmosphere.

The pace at which wind energy is being reaped is comparatively slow. The reason is that the investment cost is high. An average wind farm of at least seven 1.8 MW turbines would cost something around US $12.6 million. However wind energy has various long-term benefits to offer. It’s best to have wind farms at countryside locations like farms and ranches. This will also give boost to rural economies.

Alternative Forms of Energy / Water

Water has been generating energy for years. Hydroelectricity is generated by damming rivers and using the potential energy of the stored water. The best part about water energy is that is it quite affordable. Though dams look huge, their maintenance costs are actually very low. Appearances can be deceiving.

Alternative Forms of Energy / Hydrogren

As many of you may know, hydrogen comes from water (which is two-thirds hydrogen and one-third oxygen). Electric current is passed through water to separate hydrogen from oxygen. The resulting gas, Hydrogen, is then stored in pressurized tanks.

Hydrogen Alternative Energyhas shown promising results recently.  And it has been particularly successful in the car industry.  In these cars, the fuel cell system is used which converts hydrogen into electricity. Hydrogen as fuel is eco-friendly and much more safe than gasoline.

Alternative Energy Source / Geo-thermal

‘Geo’ means earth and ‘thermal’ means heat. Geo-thermal means energy from the earth…from under the ground. So geo-thermal energy is the energy reaped from the internal heat of the earth. Heat is used to generate steam which in turn is used to run turbine.

The temperature of the earth’s core is about 4000 degree Celsius at the center. It is believed that if we drill just three miles down the crust, we can reach the temperature of around 100 degree Celsius. This temperature, as you may know, is hot enough to boil water. Geo-thermal energy can be garnered from landforms like volcano and volcanic structure which vent out earth’s heat.

Alternative Energy Source / Bio-fuel

Bio-fuel refers to fuels made from plants or animals. Like ethanol from plants, or methane from animal excrement. Ethanol is, in combination with gasoline, being widely used in automobile industry. The process used for obtaining bio-fuel is usually combustion. Like any other alternative energy source, bio-fuel is completely renewable.

The energy crisis that the world faces today is real. And there is no other way to lessen the affects of our suffering planet, than to adapt ourselves to the alternative energy sources. The solution starts with raising awareness about these sources which are limitless and environmentally friendly.

The Time Machine

The Time Machine

The Time Machine is excellent novella with a profound moral message. It conveys the morality through a man’s journey into the future and his encounter with the evolved form of the human race. This essay will examine the fusion of the fantastic futuristic ideas based on British society and introductions to thought provoking scientific theories. Herbert George Wells was a man of science. After attending the Normal School of Science, he became a teacher. He studied under Thomas Henry Huxley, a famous advocate of the scientific theory of evolution. Wells was interested in the concerns of the lower classesand the inequality of British society. For this reason he joined a socialist group called the ‘Fabian Society’. They believed that social reforms, and the alteration of the political structures would bring about a gradual improvement of the social system. ‘The Time Machine’ portrays these ideas and beliefs clearly. ‘The Time Machine’ was published in 1890s. It was considered one of the forerunners of the science .

They continue to labour, maintaining and running huge machines deep in the earth. In the late 19thand early 20th centuries disease was a common occurrence. He noticed that no illness was present. They were kept well and healthy only to be seized and eaten when the Morlocks grew hungry. The Time Travellers summons the courage and ventures down towards the Morlock world. The Eloi”tms were being harvested like calves. Maybe because many of them have not seen an adult. The only thing which’s stays intact is sympathy and emotion shown through The Time Traveller and Weena. “?The time traveller appeared shocked and disappointed by the Eloi people and “?For a moment I felt that I had built the time Machine in vain”tm. They have adapted physically to living beneath the surface, with large eyes which are sensitive to light and un-pigmented skin. Wells presents three ideas: the first and most significant is that capitalism is dangerous. Now, through time disease has been eradicated. It is here were he makes the startling discovery. This is evident from the relationship between Morlocks and late 19th centurylabourers and the Eloi and the London aristocracy. It is at this time he realises The Time Machine has vanished.