Tim Cook, Apple’s logistics king, moves into the limelight............... What u Think...

  Tim Cook, the man tapped by Steve Jobs to replace him as Apple chief executive, has some big shoes to fill.

According to one company insider, it’s like trying to follow The Beatles at a rock concert. But Jobs at least has no doubt that the 50—year—old Alabama native is up to the task.

“As far as my successor goes, I strongly recommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO of Apple,” Jobs wrote in his resignation letter to the board of directors.

Few outside the circle of Apple watchers will have heard of Cook, much less have confidence in him taking the helm of the world’s most valuable technology company.

At first glance, Cook seems a strange choice to follow the maverick leadership of Jobs, whose mercurial charm, impeccable marketing instincts and unmatched charisma made him a tech superstar from the day he founded Apple.

Cook by contrast is famously shy about speaking in public, is known as a nuts—and—bolts logistics man and seems ill—suited to fill the role of evangelist—in—chief, which was such a major part of Jobs’ function.

He grew up in the small town of Robertsdale, Alabama, the son of a retired shipyard worker, and earned an MBA from Duke University after getting a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering. Before moving to Apple in 1998 as senior vice president of operations, Cook had worked for 12 years in PC logistics at IBM and was a vice president at Compaq.

He won early kudos at Apple for fixing its manufacturing flaws, closing the company’s factories and shifting production to contract manufacturers. As his successes mounted, he was three times named as Apple’s interim leader when Jobs’ health problems forced him to take medical leave.

Known to be unflappable, calm and quiet, Cook is a workaholic, reportedly shooting off emails at 4:30 in the morning and priding himself on being the first one in and last one out of the office.

According to the tech web site Gizmodo, he was famous at IBM for volunteering to work on Christmas and New Year’s days. Cook is unmarried and though he has never commented on his sexual orientation, Gizmodo called him “the most powerful gay man in Silicon Valley.”

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Ad hoc connection for iPhone

An ad-hoc network is a local area network (LAN) that is built spontaneously as devices connect. Instead of relying on a base station to coordinate the flow of messages to each node in the network, the individual network nodes forward packets to and from each other.

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Alaska study finds female moose manipulate males to fight

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (Reuters) - Moose-mating season, just around the corner in Alaska, means crisp fall days, ripe berries on the bushes and, according to a new study, animal behavior that might seem more at home in a rowdy singles bar.
Female moose, or cows, are able to manipulate amorous males into fighting each other, allowing the more desirable bulls to emerge as mates, according to the study, which is based on observations made in Alaska's Denali National Park.
The cows' efforts are subtle, so they have long been overshadowed by the belligerent, antler-clashing behavior of bull moose in rutting season, said the study, which published by the academic journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
"Because we have so much aggression in the big males, it actually masks female choice," said Terry Bowyer, a biologist at Idaho State University and one of the study's authors.
Female moose use protest moans to ward off small male suitors, the study points out.
Bowyer and his study partners found they also use those protest moans when approached by some big suitors, setting off fights between large bull moose.
The biologists spent four autumns tracking and observing moose in Denali, listening to grunts and moans and recording behavior, including fights. They concluded that the females actually foment male-male aggression.
"It's indirect control," Bowyer said. "They're manipulating a mating system in which you think they didn't really have choice."
Finding the right mate at the right time is critical for successful reproduction, the study points out, because of the "extremely synchronized manner" in which cows give birth in May and a restricted growing season, which limits young moose's opportunities to eat enough food to survive the harsh winters.

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